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Acre Mortgage, Cares Innovates Grows Inspires
In-House Marketing
Our in-house team of professional marketers will help you grow your business. When you join Acre Mortgage & Financial, you will have the option to work with your own personal in-house marketing team. Our team has processes in place to create text message, email, and social media campaigns. We also provide custom-made flyers and social media posts for YOU exclusively. Don’t hold yourself back, let us help you with your marketing so you can do more of what you’re good at.
Customer Relationship Portals
CRM systems are the driving force behind your business. Our goal is to make sure you have everything necessary to make sure your clients are well taken care of. Customer relationship management systems help keep you organized and make sure no client gets left behind. Acre Mortgage & Financial provides you with a pre-made template proven for success. Our in-house marketing team will help while you learn and grow with our systems.
State-of-the-Art Technology
The mortgage industry is constantly changing and that includes keeping up with the most up-to-date technology in our industry. At Acre Mortgage & Financial has a special formula… when you follow it, you will succeed. With fully integrated CRM systems, email/SMS marketing, customer document portals and much more. We have what it takes to make sure your business reaches new levels.